Over the past several years, lenders have developed effective strategies to obtain consumer-permissioned bank connections and utilize all the benefits of cash flow underwriting without suffering any lost applications.
Prism Data, a leading cash flow underwriting infrastructure and analytics platform, today announced the launch of CashScore® v4, a new and more powerful version of its market-leading cash flow underwriting score
Embedded in the new CFPB proposal on Open Banking is a fundamental shift in how we think about credit scores.
2024 is the year that cash flow underwriting is going mainstream. Banks and other lenders are using this technology for everything from credit card applications to mortgage approvals.
The use of “buy now, pay later” or “BNPL” loans reached an all-time high this past holiday season, accounting for over $16 billion in consumer spending.
Announcing CashScore® FirstDetect™ by Prism Data—a groundbreaking first-party fraud risk score powered by open banking
When implemented correctly, cash flow underwriting produces a significant ROI for lenders, while advancing regulatory priorities and complying with all applicable laws and regulations.