
Accurate categorization
purpose-built for underwriting

Get Started

Bring clarity to financial transaction data

Transform raw transaction data from any source into clean, consistent, categorized account activity.

Proprietary categorization system achieves extremely high levels of accuracy.

Identifies unique data points across dozens of categories, including rental payments, BNPL activity, gig income, and more.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many transaction categories does Prism have?

Over 35 categories are available in production today, and new categories are being added in the near future.

How accurate is Prism’s categorization?

Prism’s latest categorization product is over 99% accurate on approximately 95% of all transactions. Prism’s categorization is built with regulated use-cases in mind with heightened confidence levels for sensitive types of information.

Are Prism’s categories different depending on which aggregator I use?

No. Prism produces consistent categorization across data sources. This can provide a helpful normalization function for users that receive data from multiple sources (e.g., third-party bank data from an aggregator, first-party bank data from internal systems, data from PDF documents, etc.).